Committee Meetings

This page is dedicated to the meeting schedules for Olympia Homeowners' Association committees. There is detailed information about these and other committees in the Resident Handbook. If interested in volunteering, contact the chairperson of the committee. Contact information is available on a bulletin board near the reception desk in the clubhouse.
Homeowners' Association Meetings
Check the Calendar for specific meeting day and times

Annual HOA Meeting
Held in January.

Open Board Meetings
4 times per year including the Annual Meeting.

Board Work Sessions
Usually the 3rd Monday of the month.

ARC/Paint Committee
The 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month October - April.
The 2nd Thursday of the month May - September.

Clubhouse Maintenance Committee
The 2nd Wednesday of the month.

Ground Structures Committee
The 2nd Tuesday of the month.

Landscape Management Committee
The 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, except monthly in winter as needed. 

Social Committee
Quarterly, the 1st week of January, April, July and October.