


THURSDAY, September 19, 2024


Attendees: Cathie Lucarelli  (Pres); Cas DiScipio (Vice-Pres), Directors: Sue DeLancey, Craig Hartman, Carol Crowe , Greg Rippberger; Tom Bender (Treas),  Terry Dillehay (Sec).


Pledge of Allegiance:  Cathie Lucarelli led the association in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Call to Order: Cathie called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM and introduced the Board members. All members were present as indicated in Attendees.

New Residents: George and Kathy Koneval from Corinth Ct were introduced as new residents and welcomed by Cathie.  


Purpose of the Overview Meeting: Cathie explained that this meeting is held to hear reports from Committee Chairs/Representatives about work of their committees. The board does not conduct business at this time.

Minutes: The minutes of the Overview Meeting of September 21 2023 were approved at a prior Board Work Session and are available online and in the binder located in the Library.


Committee Reports: where indicated “see original report”, the report is filed in the Master Minutes binder which is stored in the Treasurer’s office following a review by association accountants.

ARC: see report

Clubhouse Cleaning Service: see report

Clubhouse Maintenance: see report

Clubhouse Reservations: see report

Finance: see report

Fitness Center: see report

Ground Structures: see report

Landscape: see report

Library:  no report filed

Pool Operations:  see report; additionally, new members added to the Committee are: Bob Osicka, Glen Kimble and Roger Davis.

Security: see report

Social: see report

Welcome: see report.  


Comments/Questions from Residents

Comments were made on the following topics: generators and how they should be installed; new address lights are more difficult to see; street “metal caps” an issue around the circle.


Next Meeting: Open Board Meeting November 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM.


Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.



Terry Dillehay, Board Secretary

Board Secretary




MAY 16, 2024

Attendees: Cathie Lucarelli (Pres);  Cas DiScipio ( Vice-Pres); Trustees:, Sue DeLancey ,Craig Hartman, Greg Rippberger;  Tom Bender (Treas);Terry Dillehay(Sec).

Excused: Carol Crowe


Pledge of Allegiance: Cathie led the association in the Pledge of Allegiance

Introduction and presentation:  Tom Clark, Strongsville Councilman, Ward 3: Items addressed/ reported by Tom Clark: 70% of revenue generated from income taxes; our additional traffic issues result of road and sewer projects causing detours; 5th fire station proposed due to significant increase in emergency calls and new location selected to reduce backup response time; increase in fast food locations and car washes discussed; school funding is needed to maintain quality of our schools; Dell Webb and Emerald Woods using NEORSD discussed; poor condition of sidewalks on Westwood brought to his attention; he was asked to follow-up on condition of our mailboxes with post office and how to rectify; town center project discussed; explanations provided concerning grants that city receives for numerous projects.

Call Meeting to Order:  Cathie called the meeting to order at 7:37 PM and introduced the Board members.

Roll Call: Terry took roll call and all were in attendance except for Carol as indicated above.  (Carol attended the meeting later)

Recognition of New residents: No new residents were in attendance

Minutes: Cathie reported that minutes of the prior Open Board Meeting were approved at a previous Board Work Session and are available on the website and in the binder at the Clubhouse.

 Treasurer’s Report: Tom Bender reviewed the Treasurer’s Report as of 05/13/2024 (See attached).

He indicated that due to interest earned on CDs in the Paint Fund, $25 will be allocated to each household’s paint fund.

President’s Report: Cathie reported on the following:

-Resident Handbook is in process of being updated/revised; ARC is working on updating frontal property display details; Pool Subcommittee is working on updating Rules and Regulations; our Website continues to be amended and edited.

She reminded all that any changes to a resident’s property need to be approved, this includes landscape. Forms are available for these requests. Since we are a planned community we have to follow our documents and rules and regulations. It was indicated that rumors have circulated about OHA going to a Management Company. Cathie clarified that no formal discussions have taken place at Board meetings.

However, if we do not have adequate number of volunteers and residents not following established rules and regulations , it may eventually lead to that decision.

 Liaison Committee Reports: 

Architectural Review and Painting (ARC): see attached report

Clubhouse Maintenance: see attached report

Ground Structures: see attached report

Landscape: see attached report

Clubhouse Cleaning: The current contract expires this fall; the Committee is working on obtaining bids.

 Old Business: There was no pending old business. 

New Business: There was no new business.

Second Resident Forum:

No additional items discussed

Next Meeting: The next Open Board meeting will be an Overview Meeting on Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM.

 Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.


Terry Dillehay, Board Secretary




January 18, 2024

Call Meeting to Order: Cathie Lucarelli called the meeting to order at 7:30pm.  She led the association in the pledge of allegiance.

Introductions: Cathie introduced current directors, officers and all committee members present.New residents present introduced themselves.  Cathie indicated the purpose of the meeting is to vote on directors and review financials. 

Quorum: Terry Dillehay verified a quorum of 62% residents present or by proxy, thus enabling the meeting to proceed.

Minutes: Cathie indicated that the minutes were approved at a previous Board meeting and are available on our website or at the clubhouse library.  A motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes was proposed by Alex Tomoff and seconded by Gene Stoll.  Motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Tom Bender reviewed the Treasurer’s Report as of 12/31/2023. (See attached)

·       Tom reported that the Association had a surplus of $736 for 2023. 

·       Maintenance fees for 2024 increased by 5.6% to $660 per quarter.  The majority of this increase is due to higher insurance premiums. He explained the difficulty encountered in obtaining quotes to insure us. We were advised  this was due to previous claims  and an open legal claim against a former Board Member.

·       The Association earned $8,180 in 2023 from the new transfer fee which is due upon the sale of community homes.

·       A question to Tom inquired if the Board was still looking for ways to lower landscape Fees.  Tom indicated that we are in the 2nd year of a 5-year contract with Mortons, so no immediate changes would be made.


President’s Report: Cathie thanked all Committee members for their work in 2023. Cathie also briefly highlighted activities and functions that occurred since the last Annual Meeting:

·       New blinds were installed in the clubhouse

·       Office and Card Room were painted

·       City of Strongsville repaired ‘triangles’ on our neighborhood streets

·       Bocce Ball court was resurfaced

·       New fitness center floor installed

·       Defibrillator purchased for the clubhouse and 20 members have been trained

·       Pool repairs completed

·       Common property tree trimming

·       Association Handbook and Website are in the process of being updated

·       Clubhouse flooring purchased and installed

No Old Business

New Business:

Lindsay Wrubel:  Cathie introduced Lindsay, who is the Association’s legal counsel.  Lindsay was invited to oversee the Director election.  She also reviewed what is happening with Community Association insurance nationally and locally.

·       She indicated that many Associations are being cancelled by Insurance companies or are experiencing exponential increases in the premiums. 

o   Insurance companies are taking a closer look at Association insurance coverage, and many companies will not insure Associations going forward.  This results from the Surfside Building collapse in Florida for which over a billion dollars in claims was paid out, and other record payouts from hurricanes, etc.

·       Items affecting Olympia/Athena premiums:

o   Olympia and Athena roof replacement claims.

o   Olympia has an open claim under Director and Officer Insurance due to a lawsuit filed against a past president by an association member.  Open claims make it very difficult for a new company to insure us.

o   Questions re the open claim:  Is it the only reason for cancellation and premium increase?  Lindsay indicated it was partially responsible, but underwriters will not give specifics and other factors also contributed.

o   Question re open claim:  Will the community be informed as to the details of the claim after it is settled?  Lindsay indicated it would be unless a confidentiality clause was part of the settlement.

Election of new Directors: Cathie reported that the candidates for the two open Board of Director positions were Sue DeLancey, Carol Crowe and Martha Johnson.

Ballots were distributed and collected by the Treasury staff.  A motion to have ballots counted and certified by Terry Dillehay and Mary Lou Steed was proposed by Eric Wittmann and seconded by Jeanne Martin.  Motion passed unanimously. 

Lindsay Wrubel announced that Carol Crowe and Sue DeLancey were elected by a majority vote.

Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm.


Joy Bruner, Recording Secretary


Terry Dillehay, Board Secretary




November 16, 2023

Attendees:  Cathie Lucarelli (Pres); Cas DiScipio (Vice-Pres); Directors:  Sue DeLancey , Bob Osicka , and  Greg Rippberger; Tom Bender  (Treas);Terry Dillehay(Sec).
Excused Absence: Craig Hartman

Pledge of Allegiance: Cathie led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Residents Forum:

New Residents: Al and Karen Jarr from Corinth Court introduced themselves and were welcomed.

Comments /Questions from Residents: none at this time.

Call Meeting to Order:  Cathie called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.

Roll Call: Cathie introduced the Board members; roll call was dispensed since all members were introduced.  All present or absent as indicated above.

Minutes: Cathie reported that minutes of Open Board Meetings from 2023 were approved at previous Board Work Sessions and are available in the binder at the Library and on the website.

Treasurer’s Report: Tom discussed The Treasurer’s Report as of November 13, 2023 (See attached

President’s Report: Cathie commended all the committees for working together for a common goal and thanked the Board members for their dedication.

She provided an update on activities and changes in committee membership. Bob Osicka is a new Co-Chair of Ground Structures; Allen Pavlos new member of Landscape; Jan Williamson and Kathe Lombardo new members of Cleaning Committee.

AED signage has been installed; 20 residents participated in CPR training; additional information is available on the Fire department’s website and sign up for CPR sessions  is available.

Ad Hoc Website Committee is working on updating information. Members include: Karol Rippberger, Carol Crowe, Sue Wright, Cathie Lucarelli and Pat Pekrol.

Greg Rippberger addressed the group and informed that Jim Dettmer resigned from ARC ; Jim was thanked for his many years of service.

Cathie announced that the Annual Meeting will be held on January 18,2024 with registration at 7Pm and Meeting at 7:30 PM. She further clarified that at the meeting the residents will be voting to select 2 Directors not the President; The Board elects the President after the Annual meeting concludes. The vote will be via a paper ballot.


Old Business: No Old Business


New Business:

Nominating Committee Recommendation: Terry announced that the Nominating Committee recommended to the Board Carol Crowe and Martha Johnson as candidates to fill the 2 vacancies for 2023-2026 terms. The Board accepted the nomination at the October meeting.

 Additionally, intent for candidacy was received via petition from current Director, Sue DeLancey. All candidates provided a brief description of their individual background. The Director position will be voted on at the January Annual Meeting using a paper ballot system. Our attorney will be present to oversee the process and secure the validity of our election. This will be the same process we utilized last year.

2024 Budget: Tom explained the budgeting process in detail and the work that it involves. The Finance Committee and each committee contribute and are involved. He thanked all for their work in developing the 2024 Budget. Initially the Finance Committee submitted to the Board a budget with a 3.2% increase; the board approved the recommendation. However, very recently we were notified by our insurance carrier that effective January 1, 2024 our insurance will not be renewed. We are expecting insurance to double. The budget was updated to incorporate the projected increase and the Board approved an increase of 5.6% (versus inflation of 3.7%). The quarterly maintenance fees are increased from $ 625 to $ 660 per quarter for 2024. We were advised that if there are no additional claims for 3 years a reduction in rates is possible. Athena’s insurance coverage will also be canceled.

Good discussion followed with further explanations of steps the Board is following for Olympia and Athena.

Tom explained what the annual packets, which are to be mailed or can be picked up after the meeting, contained and stressed the importance of completing and retuning the proxy enclosed.

 Schedule of 2024 Meetings: It was announced that the schedule of meetings for 2024 was approved by the Board and will be posted in the specific glass enclosed bulletin board and subsequently on the website.

 Second Resident Forum: Questions were asked and suggestions made: invite our council person to a future meeting; asking the City about donating trees; when will committees receive individual budgets; will we see a reduction in maintenance fees if insurance is less than projected; where are “transfer fees” allocated and how much is anticipated from transfer fees.

 Next Meeting: Annual Meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 18, 2024: Registration at 7:00 PM and meeting at 7:30 PM. Everyone was reminded to turn in their proxies regardless of plans to attend the meeting and that there is only 1 vote per household.


Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.




Terry Dillehay, Board Secretary